Monday, December 13, 2010

My Top 5 Favorite Filipino Fiesta Food

In countries influenced by Spanish culture- like the Philippines- there are annual celebrations usually dedicated to the patron saint of a local parish. This celebration is the Fiesta of that specific town or municipality. On this day, the residents go to mass and celebrate afterwards. The local government and the local parish arrange events for the townspeople to participate in.  At this time of the year, the "peryahan" or the carnival comes into town where visitors and residents can enjoy exciting rides and win prizes through games. Also on this day, the households and local residences of the town prepare their home to welcome the guests they've invited. Their guests can range from family members, to friends, to co-workers, to total strangers entering their home. They undergo this yearly activity looking forward for the food the hosts prepared for them. 

The food must be both delicious and practical. Most households prepare buffets using dishes which they think will be appealing to the guests' taste. Out of the hundred of dishes I encounter every year in the different fiestas I go, to these are the ones I look for.   

1. Lechon (Roasted Pig)

         Preferably from Cebu, this dish is the best centerpiece for any fiesta table. Balikbayan guests and foreigners alike love to take a chance to photograph this unusual looking dish before it is hastily consumed by the hungry crowd. The sight of the crispy red skin alone is enough to make your mouth water with anticipation.

2. Dinuguan (Pork  blood stew)
        This is a more personal pick. Not everyone is fond of eating internal organs swimming in a stew of pork blood. Most rural towns serve this after slaughtering a whole pig or goat to make use of the internal organs and meaty parts that are not to be used in any other dish. Dinuguan goes well with puto (rice cake) or rice.

3. Lumpiang Sanghai (Pork Spring Rolls)

       What Fiesta would be complete without the popular finger food? During our Fiesta we make these by the dozen because we know this dish would be the first to go. Guests just can't seem to stop themselves from grabbing one of these babies every time they pass by the table. Ground pork wrapped in shanghai wrappers and deep fried in oil- it doesn't get any better than that. Goes well by itself or dipped in sweet-chili sauce. 

4. Beef Caldereta 
       Another dish that made it to my top 5 is the beef caldereta. Beef with potatoes, carrots, and bell pepper, with a sauce that is good enough by itself. This is a staple dish in every Fiesta or family gathering. Very easy to make and very practical, this dish makes us say, "sabaw pa lang, ulam na". 

5. Ox Tongue in Mushroom Sauce
      Just thinking about this dish makes my mouth water. The texture of the ox tongue combined with the taste of seasoning and the sauce plus the button mushrooms assaults your senses and is enough to make you ask for a second serving. Or a third. Or a fourth. This is one dish that I always pray to be present whenever I go to Fiestas. Who knew tongue can taste this good?

That's it for my Top 5 Fiesta food faves. What are your choices? Do you crave the same dishes or do you have something else in your list? Happy Fiesta!

Recipe of the Week: How to Make Rellenong Manok ( Stuffed Chicken )

Here's a recipe perfect for the holiday season. Bless your Noche Buena with this classic Filipino dish. Enjoy cooking! 
1 Large Chicken (1 ½ - 2 Kilos)
3 tbsp Soy Sauce
3 tbsp Calamansi Juice or Lemon Juice
½ Kilo Ground Pork
¼ Kilo Cooked Ham, Finely Chopped
4 pcs. Vienna Sausage, Finely Chopped
¼ cup Sweet Pickle Relish
3 Eggs
½ Cup Grated Cheese
10 pcs. Green Olives, Pitted then Chopped
½ Cup Raisins
1-2 tbsp Catsup
1 tbsp MSG
2 Hard Boiled Eggs, Quartered
¼ Cup Butter

1.       Prepare the chicken and carefully debone, then marinate in soy sauce and calamansi juice. Set aside.
2.       In a mixing bowl, thoroughly mix all the ingredients aside from the hard boiled eggs and the butter.
3.       Fry about a table spoon of the mixture, taste and correct the seasoning if necessary.
4.       Stuff the mixture inside the chicken and arrange the hard boiled eggs in the center by pushing the mixture along the side of the cavity.
5.       Sew up the opening with kitchen thread using overlapping stitches and wrap in aluminum foil. Don’t sew too tightly or the chicken will burst upon cooking.
6.       Bake in moderate oven heat (350°F) for 1 ½ hours.
7.       When almost done unwrap and continue baking until chicken is golden brown, baste with butter occasionally.
8.       Cool and slice.
9.       Arrange in a platter. Serves 12 people.
10.   Enjoy!